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introducing The Green House

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

a place where girls with ADHD grow

"Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a hidden disorder in girls. It is often diagnosed and seen as a "boy disorder" because of the hyperactivity its symptoms can cause. But there is another side to the disorder that gets ignored, inattention. This is the type of ADHD that often presents itself in girls. Because of this, many girls are left undiagnosed as the symptoms they show are not seen as the “classic” ADHD symptoms. And if a girl does present the classic ADHD symptoms she is told, “you’re smart, why are you not applying yourself?” Girls, both younger and older, will be greatly impacted by their teachers and caretakers assumptions that they should be able to handle it all which results in their self esteem plummeting. When a child has low self esteem their mood and mental health suffers, the good news is that this is preventable with diagnosis, treatment and awareness!"

ref. Sarah Moran and Cary M. Hamilton

The Green House is a support group and safe space for girls with ADHD/ADD. At The Green House, young women and girls come together to discuss the unique social, emotional and academic challenges this diagnosis may present, while sharing successes and strengths.

@ What Little Birdy Told Me

512 East 9th street studio 1

Lawrence, KS. 66044

every third Sunday of the month * 1:30-2:30

text 785.551.8884 for more information

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