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Empowering our Children to be Compassionate, Inclusive & Anti-Racist: talking to kids about racism

* July 14 * 7-8:30 w. Q & A to follow @ What a Little Birdy Told Me

512 E. 9th Street Lawrence, KS. 66044 (Zoom option available.)

“Studies show our children are not colorblind and if we are not raising them to be antiracist then chances are society is raising them to be racist. We must be deliberate in encouraging our children to recognize conditions as the problem not people. We must teach our children notions of equity and justice before they can fully understand these concepts just as we teach them kindness and love before they can fully understand those concepts.” -Ibram X. Kendi

Let's discuss how to have this conversation with our children.

hosted by What a Little Birdy Told Me w. guest presenters Natalia Fairchild, C.P.A.& member AAPI community & Marcia Granger, A.M.I. early childhood educator

Please visit for more information or to register. Look under the tab The Summer Series.

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